An Essay is a piece of academic exposition on a particular subject, written by a scholar as part of their academic coursework. There are many different types of essays, which include, but not limited to:
- Descriptive Essays
- Argumentative Essays
- Expository Essays
- Narrative Essays
As a scholar, essay writing forms a big part of your academic coursework. You will be required to write an essay in almost all academic disciplines. This therefore demands that Essay writing abilities are a must have for any scholar worldwide. Writing an award winning essay doesn’t just come naturally, it requires a lot of training and practice to become perfect. You need to be familiar with the different essay formats. You need to be able to formulate good topics for your essays. The essay topic will usually vary depending on your area of study. So e.g. a Psychology major would need to come up with a good Psychology research paper topic in order to be able to write an award winning Psychology essay
The first part of an exposition is usually the Essay cover page, more commonly known as the title page. It usually contains data on the identity of the writer, the topic of the essay, the writer’s institution, date of publication, and more often than not, a running head. Essay cover pages are not usually necessary; however different formatting styles such as APA essay format require one to include a cover page. A well written cover page will set the tone for the rest of the exposition, and so it is always important to teach yourself on how to write good cover pages.
The title will introduce the essay to the reader. You need to write an eye catching title in order to attract the attention of the reader. Most scholars get the title page wrong, which results in the examiner losing interest from the beginning. The most full proof method writing a good title is to include the keywords that form the crux of the argument.
The second part of the exposition usually is the introduction page. An introduction is more often than not the first part after the title and in some cases comes after the abstract. The introduction is considered to be the most crucial part of your exposition, as it conveys the message you want to pass on to the person reading. Most examiners and supervisors will judge your essay based on the introduction page so it is always vital to get it right from the start. You can spice up your introduction page by adding an eye catching essay hook prior to the introduction
Next up is the body of the essay. This is the main part of your writing as it explains more on the title and introduction. The body contains the main points and objectives of the essay and how clearly you put them out will determine if the paper will be excellent or mediocre. You should bring out all your points and explain them sequentially.
The conclusion is usually the last part and it gives a summary of the main arguments without necessarily repeating the body. A reader should be able to read your conclusion paragraph and understand the crux of the essay. If the essay is an argumentative essay, then the conclusion should give the closing argument. A well written conclusion paragraph makes a huge difference, however it doesn’t make up for a poorly written body. It is therefore prudent to ensure that the points in your conclusion paragraph tally with those of the body.
After you are done with writing your essay, you need to proofread and edit it. You can either choose to do it by yourself or submit it to a Homework help website for affordable essay editing. Having grammatical errors in your exposition can really negatively affect your grade as it shows that you are not proficient in the language or you are just careless. While editing, ensure all the citation styles used are strictly followed. During the editing and proofreading stage, you need ensure that the essay is plagiarism free.
These are just a few tips on how to go about your essay writing task. While it may not be full proof, you need to do more research on various techniques of writing an essay. One of the methods you can use is the PEEL paragraph method of essay writing. If well utilized, the PEEL paragraph strategy can assist you write an award winning essay.