How to get birds away from the roof

Birds (Aves) are a class of thereof vertebrates. The number of known species varies between 9,000 and 10,500, of which at least 120 are extinct. Birds are closely related to humans and can be found frequently in urban areas. They are certainly pleasant animals thanks to their colours and their cheerful song. However, they can cause some problems, such as damaging crops or defecating homes or cars. In addition, in some cases, they can be vectors of certain types of diseases.
If you are having any situation described by the presence of birds in a particular area, continue reading this AnimalPedia article, where we will answer the question “how to get birds away from the roof?“.
How to get birds away from the roof
Birds can cause damage to fruit and vegetable plants, depending on whether they eat seeds, leaves or fruit. Some birds feed on insects, so they are quite effective biological controllers for our garden and it would be an aspect to take into consideration when controlling birds. Despite this, if you don’t want birds to roam your garden, you can try the following systems:
- Put branches on the sown ground: as soon as you have finished sowing and waiting for the plants to germinate, the seeds become a sought-after food for birds. so if you place some branches on the sown area, you will prevent the birds from reaching the ground and eating the seeds.
- Install a fence: if the garden area is not very large, you can cover it with a metal fence, this will prevent the birds from entering the garden.
- Hanging pieces of fabric: a low-cost but no less effective solution is to bury stakes at the ends of the garden and also in the middle. Finally, they must be joined with a resistant thread, such as nylon and tied with fairly long pieces of fabric, which, moving under the action of the wind, frighten the invading birds.
How to keep birds away from the window
Many birds perch on our windows, both to shelter from the rain and to nest and lay eggs, depending on the characteristics of the window.
To avoid this problem it is best to install physical barriers. You can also use bollards such as metal strips with spikes that prevent birds from landing. Being made of stainless steel they resist atmospheric agents.
How to get birds away from the roof
One method of chasing away birds that can be a little expensive but is very effective is the laser pointer, which is equipped with a high-precision optical system, with filters and light frequencies. This tool effectively scares the birds, which perceive the beam of light as something dangerous and leave. This method is especially useful when birds nest on roofs.
Once the birds have settled in a specific spot, it is difficult to dissuade them and make them go away. For this reason, the best thing is to always pay attention to their possible presence, and once discovered, immediately take the measures that we will explain later to prevent them from forming the nest and then it is more problematic to make them go away. Another fundamental aspect in the case of homes is that of not leaving food near areas where birds can have access.
Furthermore, if the birds deposit their feces on the windowsills or in other parts of the house, it is important to do a deep cleaning of the area, using chlorine and soap, it is also convenient to do so by protecting yourself with gloves and a mask. The fecal matter of birds can carry parasites.
Other ways to keep the birds away
Homemade bird repellent
You can make a homemade bird repellent in the following way:
- Blend at least 40 peppers.
- Pour them into a bottle and add water, without filling it.
- Cap the bottle and shake it vigorously so that the mixture blends well.
- Leave the bottle in a sunny place for 7 days.
- Then add half a cup of white vinegar and shake vigorously again.
Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and sprinkle it on the areas where the birds usually perch. Keep in mind that it is a repellent that will lose its effectiveness due to environmental agents, such as rain, sun and wind, so it is advisable to repeat once a week.
Keep the container in a dark and cool place to keep its effectiveness longer.
Visual repellants to repel birds
Visual repellents to scare birds consist of various hanging or installed objects that, when moving, simulate situations of risk for the animal. This is the case, for example, of the silhouettes of predatory birds or birds of prey. By placing these images in strategic points, you can prevent birds from nesting there. However, two aspects must be considered to make this method effective: first, change the position of the silhouettes from time to time, so that the birds do not get used to seeing it, and therefore ignore it. Secondly, the silhouettes are seen to move with the action of the wind and not remain static, so they are much more believable for the birds.
Studies carried out to remove birds from strategic locations such as airports have shown that birds are reluctant to perch on white surfaces with concentric black circles that simulate an eye. Therefore, placing this type of panel can also be useful, but it is always essential to choose the most suitable and strategic point.
Another classic technique is to hang CDs in different places where birds tend to perch. The CDs, moving in the wind, create reflections of light and annoy the birds, pushing them away.
Chase away birds with sounds
The use of certain sounds can be effective in warding off birds that may bother us. There are three types of effective sounds for scaring birds:
- Sounds of predators: the method consists in recording the sounds of predatory birds that include other types of birds in their diet. These birds are for example eagles and hawks.
- Alarm bell: we refer to all those sounds that are emitted by individuals of the same species to alert the group of some danger.
- Stress sounds: this type of sound is emitted by the birds themselves when they feel threatened and in danger. They issue them to alert other members of the group.
It should be noted that when you acquire these types of recordings they must be made with excellent sound quality so that the birds can hear the original sound. You can also use speakers or amplifiers that do not distort the sound.
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