Which Mattress is Good for Health: Docs Suggestions 2022

Learning which mattress is good for health is important since we effectively spend around a third of our lives in bed sleeping. During the last few years, with the pandemic, over a third and closer to 40% of American people are suffering from insomnia/coronasomnia.
You need to know which type of mattress will be most comfortable for you. This, in turn, will help you to get that much needed sleep. For the most part, your sleeping posture determines your mattress preference, but there are other factors.
All will be revealed below, so let’s not delay your sleep any longer!
Which mattress is good for health
As mentioned above, you will learn which mattress is good for your health, firstly your posture and then by other factors.
Back or stomach sleepers
A national sleep survey says that 16% of people sleep on their stomachs while 10% sleep on their back. While not the most common posture for sleeping, there are still many people either on their back or stomachs sleeping right now.
Those sleeping on their stomach or back will require a firmer mattress than a softer one. More often than not, people will tell back and stomach sleepers to get a softer mattress. Still, a firmer mattress will give you better and longer lasting support.
There are many firmness levels in the market now, so you should try out multiple mattresses. You will find one that works best for you if you do so.
Side sleepers
According to surveys held on sleeping, a whopping 74% of people sleep on their sides. Therefore you are very likely to fall under this category. Those sleeping in this posture will find problems on the side they favor while sleeping.
This pain side sleepers experience puts significant pressure on a single area. As such, the top mattress recommendation for side sleepers is either memory foam or a hybrid mattress.
The biggest benefit of these two mattress types is that they are excellent pressure absorbers and easily conform to your body shape. Overweight sleepers will also greatly benefit from sleeping on memory foam mattresses. Best choice for memory foam mattresses will be medium firm ones.
Injured sleepers
People with herniated disks or other such injuries will need a particular mattress to sleep on. The best mattress for herniated disk or similar health issues is usually medium firm mattresses. The best material for these mattresses is either hybrid or foam.
Due to the injuries suffered, patients will need a mattress that can properly support their pressure points or area of injury. Medium firm mattress is good for health of injured sleepers because it provides an excellent balance. This balance is between support and comfort.
If you were to sleep on a soft mattress, you would have issues with your internal organs being pushed around.
Low budget sleepers
This is a factor not related to posture or health issues but is still rather important for many people. We recommend thorough research for college students and single people looking for a cheap single mattress.
This is because numerous brands and qualities are rather hard to figure out. Most single people or those living by themselves will look for a mattress as cheap as possible but still want it comfortable.
There are simple to follow criteria that will help you find cheap mattresses. These mattresses will also be really comfortable to sleep on.
Eco-friendly sleepers
One of the final types of mattresses that are good for health is the ones made using eco friendly material. Most of these types of mattresses make use of environment friendly material.
Nowadays, there is a resurgence of sleepers who are becoming more aware of the impact on our planet. For the best results, you should be looking for and buying mattresses with a Greenguard GOLD Certified seal.
There are many ways to figure out which mattress is the best for your health, and here you have learned about some of them. Overall, you will have some guarantee in the form of sleep trials, so test out some and find the best ones.